Cheeks and lips are one of the most popular treatments that exist. The reason for this is that the curve of a cheek is youthful and also a sign of beauty and strength.

The fat pads in cheeks affects most of the mid face problems and once the fat pads changes in the mid face it can push down on the fat pad to create the groove next to the nose –naso-labial groove and also the tear trough. Furthermore, the heavier the cheeks especially on the naso-labial groove the heavier the jowling. Each one impact on the other.

By contouring and structuring the cheek years is lifted off patients and is one of the biggest aaaaaahhhhh moments when patients see themselves for the first time.

The treatments that is very popular and complimentary with cheeks are temple and tear trough injections. Very occasionally also injecting directly next to the nose to reduce the naso labial fold. The amounts of filler for cheeks vary significantly as that is the biggest area of fat pad loss or where skin tissue is very heavy. It can vary from 1 – 4 or more mls of filler.

Cheeks can make a patient look very old, sad and unhappy even though they aren’t. The millennials favour this treatment and the model cheek or chiselled cheek is very popular.