Carboxytherapy is a completely natural treatment that can work synergistically together with the treatment regimen against hair loss.

This therapy acts directly in the bulb, which constitutes the vital part of the hair and its alterations are a major cause of hair thinning and hair loss. During treatment, infusions are applied at those areas of the scalp where hair thinning is observed. The aim is to enhance oxygenation and therefore nutrition of the weak hair follicles.

This method of treatment takes advantage of a completely natural process of our organism: the use of oxygen to expel carbon dioxide. At the areas of infusion microcirculation gets significantly improved as the red blood cells are forced to release oxygen in order to “capture” the CO2 molecules and expel them from the body. This enhanced blood flow and tissue oxygenation allows skin regeneration and the strengthening of hair follicles.

At the same time treatment has vasodilatory effect (i.e. the opening of tiny blood vessels), which allows the enhancement of the scalp’s nutrition with valuable vitamins and nutrients. This ensures the cessation of hair loss, stabilisation of hair thinning and the stimulation of hair growth.

At the same time the composition of hyalouronic acid is enhanced, , a natural ingredient of the skin, which is produced by the fibroblasts and contributes to tissue hydration and full absorption of growth factors.

Treatment is completed quickly and painlessly. It is usually applied in combination with Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), autologous Mesotherapy with growth factors (PRP) or infusions of minoxidil. In general four to twelve treatment sessions are necessary, depending on the nature and the extent of the problem, while in many cases a number of repeated sessions may be necessary to consolidate the results of treatment. Usually 3 months have to pass by for hair loss to stop and for hair thinning to become stable, while vellus and weak hair become stronger after 6 months. In any case, the effectiveness of treatment is evident through trichoscopy (digital editing), which provides the most objective assessment criterion for each patient’s progress.

Carboxytherapy was born in France, more than 80 years ago. Its beneficial effects were initially observed in the royal spas, when it was found that patients who bathed in the thermal waters that were rich in carbon dioxide showed quicker wound healing. Since then it has been proven that carboxytherapy can improve blood circulation, enhance the skin’s elasticity, and smooth the wrinkles.

As a result, this treatment method is gaining ground constantly in the field of dermatology, since the range of applications covers both medical and cosmetic needs of the skin and hair. Nowadays it is used in Europe and in the USA for the treatment of stretch marks, cellulite, hypertrophic scars, wrinkles, dark circles, and alopecia.


When hair loss starts, self-confidence is affected dramatically. This is why it is of imperative importance to treat and restore the problem.

Hair thinning process is so gradual that even the person affected may not notice it straight away. In addition to this, s/he cannot compare its possible progress.

Early detection of the causes of hair loss is the key to select the appropriate therapeutic regimen and start addressing the problem immediately. Early detection can also protect the existing hair follicles so that to avoid further, possibly irreversible, hair loss.

Existing therapeutic schemes usually work synergistically (through the selection of a combination of treatments) and have the following objectives:

  • Cessation of hair loss
  • Stabilisation of hair thinning
  • Strengthening the hair follicles
  • Improvement of local microcirculation
  • Stimulation of hair growth
  • Coverage of the areas with hair thinning

To choose the appropriate treatment regimen, trichoscopy constitutes the key step. By using a hand-held polarized light dermatoscope it is possible to examine and record the number, density, quality and condition of the hair follicles, and make an accurate diagnosis. Once you determine the cause of hair loss, it is possible to establish a personalised treatment plan and the prognosis (chances of cure).

The course of treatment is analysed through trichoscopy, which is not only a diagnostic tool, but also the most objective indicator for monitoring the results. The number, quality and thickness of hairs are examined and evaluated, so as to specify the frequency of treatment sessions and the dose that should be used. All digital pictures taken during the examination are saved and they constitute a benchmark for the comparison of the scalp’s condition before, during, and after treatment.

Treatments for Hair Loss:

  • Trichoscopy
  • Medicinal Treatment (Minoxidil – Finasteride – Dutasteride)
  • Electro-trichogenesis using Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
  • Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma Mesotherapy – PRP
  • Carboxytherapy
  • Hair transplantation with individual follicular units – Micro-FUE method